Post 1: About Me

September 17, 2008 at 5:00 am Leave a comment

This is an introductory post, as it is the first post on this blog, I am going to tell you a little bit about myself. Try not to fall asleep. My name is Jessi, I just recently turned 24 on August 15 (thanks for the belated birthday wishes) and I live in Ohio (OH-IO!). I currently live at home with the ‘rents (saving money to get a place of my own) in a teeny tiny little room that’s roughly the size of a walk in closet. I love small spaces because it not only forces you to keep only the necessities and the things you treasure the most, it also forces you to be creative when it comes to decorating and utilizing every nook and cranny. If I were to move out I’d probably rent a tiny studio apartment uptown just so I could still enjoy a small space (plus it leaves little room for the Boogie Man to hide).

I am four classes shy of a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration with a minor in Graphic Design. I don’t really like American businesses or how they run which makes it difficult to finish my degree, however I do love arty stuff and being creative, so I guess I’ll finish just for the minor degree.

I am the middle child and only daughter, I have an older brother who is married to a wonderful woman, and in April I became an aunt (which is my favourite title so far) to the most beautiful little girl on the planet (I may be just a little biased). I also have a younger brother who is my best friend and who just recently left for college which was bittersweet to say the least, thankfully he is only an hour away but it’s still weird not having him around to make me laugh. I was blessed with the most amazing, incredible, loving family a gal could ask for. We all get together at least 2 or 3 times a week for dinner or lunch or just to hang out.

I’m a photographer (I just finished my new website,, a coach (I coach a high school rugby team), I love to write but I don’t like to read (I’d love to write a novel someday, I have a ton of stories that I need to transfer from my brain to my computer), I’d love to get married someday and have a few kids, I love hiking and camping but hardly ever go, I love to travel but don’t have the money to, I’d love to pack up and move to Chicago but I’d miss my family and friends too much, I love coffee but my weak stomach prevents me from drinking it, I love Chinese food but have no desire to travel to China, I love my life (even though I still live at home and don’t have a high paying job), I’d rather make $30,000 a year than $300,000 a year, I really want a MacBook Pro but I don’t have $3,000 to buy one, I could care less about the current economy woes because I think if we can survive 1 stock market crash we can survive another one, I love America and my freedom but sometimes I think America is overrated and we have a “big head”, I love history – my two favourite times/places in history are: America – Lewis, Clark & Sacajawea and the expansion of the West; Europe – during the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, I wish I could redo college and major in early European history instead of Business, my little brother is my best friend, I love eating waffles and drinking Chocolate Banana Vivanno’s.

That’s about it for now. I hoped you enjoyed getting to know me a little better.
Got questions? Just ask!

Entry filed under: Apple, BB, Brother, Brothers, Camping/Hiking, Coach, College, Daddy-O, EJ, Emma, Laughter, LB, Life, LJ, Love, Me, Mutter, Niece, Photography, Rugby, Travel.

Post 2: What’s in a name?

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